Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Birthdate *
Age *
Address *
Zip Code *
Phone *
Cellphone *
Work Phone *
Email *
School *
Grade *
Primary Language
Secondary language spoken at home
Who referred you to our program?
How did you hear about us? *
Medical Insurance *
Account# *
What are your main concerns about your child? Please describe in detail. *
Aggravating Factors
Relieving Factors
If yes, how many per day?
How many hours a night does your child sleep?
If yes, when and why?
Exercise Type
Exercise Frequency
What medications are you currently using?
Previous diagnoses/mental health treatment
Previously treated by
Previous medications
Dates treated:
Previous medical conditions:
DESCRIBE (What/When?) Treatment (Ear infections)
DESCRIBE (What/When?) Treatment (Seizures)
DESCRIBE (What/When?) Treatment (Surgeries)
DESCRIBE (What/When?) Treatment (Serious Illness)
DESCRIBE (What/When?) Treatment (Head Trauma)
DESCRIBE (What/When?) Treatment (Heart Problems)
DESCRIBE (What/When?) Treatment (Special Syndrome)
DESCRIBE (What/When?) Treatment (Other)
Vision Test DATE & by WHOM
Hearing Test DATE & by WHOM
Please tell us why they were prescribed (vision)
Please tell us why they were prescribed (hearing)
Please describe your concerns
Siblings and their ages:
Dropdown Mother Mother Father
Education Level
Any learning, developmental, or health problems? If yes, please describe
Name of Sibling 1
Age (1)
Any learning, developmental, or health problems? (1)
Name of Sibling 2
Age (2)
Any learning, developmental, or health problems? (2)
Name of Sibling 3
Age (3)
Any learning, developmental, or health problems? (3)
Who raised the child?
Where did the child grow up?
Relation to Child (Speech delays)
Relation to Child (Development delays)
Relation to Chid (Autism)
Relation to Chid (Learning disabilities)
Relation to Chid (Other)
Have there been any home/family experiences or changes that may have had an impact on your child (divorice, death, frequent residence changes, prolonged illnesses)?
Have you (the parent/guardian) ever been incarcerated? If yes, when and for how long
Have you (the parent/guardian) ever been homeless? If yes, when and for how long
What activities does your child participate in surrounding the religion/spiritual group?
Describe Illness during pregnancy
Describe Accidents during pregnancy
Describe Exposure to toxins, x-ray
Describe Cigarettes, alcohol, during pregnancy
Describe Other complications during pregnancy
Describe Medications during pregnancy
How many days/week premature/overdue?
Problem during birth?
Birth Weight
Apgar Score
If yes, please explain (e.g. oxygen, intubation lights, surgery, or extended hospitalization required?)
If yes, what age stopped?
If yes, describe in detail what skills were lost and when
Crawled on hands and knees (Approx. Age)
Weaned from pacifier (Approx. Age)
Walked without needing support (Approx. Age)
Weaned from bottle (Approx. Age)
Spoke first real words(Approx. Age)
Toilet trained (Approx. Age)
Combined 2-3 words (Approx. Age)
Played peek-a-boo (Approx. Age)
Pointed in order to request or draw attention to object
Social Worker (Name)
Social Worker (Best Contact info)
Speech-Language Pathologist (Name)
Speech-Language Pathologist (Best Contact info)
Occupational Therapist (Name)
Occupational Therapist (Best Contact info)
Physical Therapist (Name)
Physical Therapist (Best Contact info)
Literacy Specialist (Name)
Literacy Specialist (Best Contact info)
Deaf Educator (Name)
Deaf Educator (Best Contact info)
Counseling Mental Health (Name)
Counseling Mental Health (Best Contact info)
Behavioral Therapy (Name)
Behavioral Therapy (Best Contact info)
Other (Name)
Other (Best Contact info)
Current School
Special Education or Resource Teacher (Name)
Special Education or Resource Teacher (Best Contact info)
Speech-Language Pathologist (Name)
other DESCRIBE Specialist
Speech-Language Pathologist (Best Contact info)
Occupational Therapist (Name)
Occupational Therapist (Best Contact info)
Physical Therapist (Name)
Physical Therapist (Best Contact info)
Literacy Specialist (Name)
Literacy Specialist (Best Contact info)
Deaf Educator, Aural Rehabilitation Specialist (Name)
Deaf Educator, Aural Rehabilitation Specialist (Name)
Please describe your current concerns about your child’s ability to read/write/learn?