Pranamind Child Intake Form

Kindly complete the online form as thoroughly as possible. If you prefer to download and fill out the form offline, please download and email it to it at your convenience.

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Child’s Name
Current Symptoms (check all that apply)
Does your child have regularly scheduled meals?
Does your child drink caffeinated beverages?
Does your child have a standard bed time?
Has your child ever been arrested/detained?
Has your child ever been sent to a correctional facility?
Is your child currently in a corrections program?
Has your child been suspended or expelled from school?
Does child have a history of Ear infections
Does child have a history of Seizures
Does child have a history of Surgeries
Does child have a history of Serious Illness
Does child have a history of Head Trauma
Does child have a history of Heart Problems
Does child have a history of Special Syndrome
Does child have a history of Other
Ha your child had a Vision Test
Has your child had a Vision Test (copy)
Has your child had a Hearing Test (copy)
Does your child wear glasses
Does your child use hearing aids or other listening devices?
SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL BEHAVIOR AND CONCERNS - How would you describe your child?
Do you have concerns about your child’s social/emotional development or ability to get along with others?
Parent's Name
Are both parents living in the home?
Did the child's parents divorce?
Selected Value: 5
Did the child's parents remarry?
Selected Value: 5
Is the child adopted?
Selected Value: 5
Is there a family history of Speech delays?
Is there a family history of Development delays?
Is there a family history of Autism?
Is there a family history of Learning disabilities?
Is there a family history of Other
Have you been on or are currently receiving public assistance?
Are you a member of a religion/spiritual group?
Is your child a member of a religious/spiritual group?
Illness during pregnancy
Accidents during pregnancy
Exposure to toxins, x-ray
Cigarettes, alcohol, drugs during pregnancy
Other complications during pregnancy
Medications during pregnancy (copy)
Newborn Information
Problems/Treatment after birth?
Has your child lost any skills?
Does your child receive any therapeutic or educational services
Has your child ever received the following diagnoses? (Check all that apply)
Does your child currently attend
Multiple Choice
Does your child have an individualized education or family plan (504 Plan, IEP or IFSP)
Does your child receive the following services through the educational plan?
Do you have concerns about your child’s ability to read/write or learn at school?
My child is