Educational Therapy

Are you concerned your child has fallen behind?

Are you concerned your child’s IEP is only addressing the goals and not the underlying causes?

This year has been like no other. Families have been tested beyond their boundaries. Teachers have provided unprecedented levels of teaching. Some students have thrived in the online world while others have struggled.

We know at PranaMind that stress significantly impacts learning. We provide a tranquil environment that allows for your child’s optimal learning. In addition, research has proven that movement is key to brain development. PranaMind has developed an educational therapy program that begins with work in a dedicated physio room. Movement and learning go together. Physical activity not only facilitates the birth of new brain cells, also it produces smart chemicals that promote learning.

Educational Therapy at PranaMind

The PranaMind Educational Therapy Program (ETP) offers your student a multi-disciplinary brain-based learning approach that incorporates brain training, therapeutic teaching, academic coaching, and growth mindset to overcome learning and academic problems. 

Working with the educational therapist (ET) your student learns in a safe, supportive environment that fosters a positive growth mindset of “not yet” about success.  The use of “not yet” shows that there is a learning curve that points to the process and not the outcome. 

PranaMind does not believe in the “one-size-fits-all” approach. After a comprehensive assessment and evaluation, the ET creates an individualized plan to build “areas of strengths” and support “areas of need.” Through weekly 1:1 therapy sessions, your student begins to develop and use brain-based learning strategies, positive growth mindset principles and sensori-motor integration to academic, social, and behavioral settings, where learning really happens—real life.

Culture of Collaboration

Parents and the ET share the same goals, they want the student to do his or her best. The ET works with parents to form a “culture of collaboration” that is an information exchange focused on specific outcomes and coordinated efforts. The collaborative culture is a supportive learning environment to ensure clear communication about “our” learner’s progress. 

There are seven interconnected modules that form the materials and resources used by the ET in sessions. The modules are as follows:

  • Auditory Processing Development
  • Brain training games
  • Functional vision training
  • Neurosensori-Motor Integration
  • Neurocognitive Training
  • Reading
  • Writing

If your student is experiencing academic challenges, do not hesitate to our contact our office to discuss your student’s situation and needs in more detail. 


Auditory Processing Development

Often students struggle with remembering a few simple directions to forgetting math facts…
[showhide type=”box” more_text=”Read More” less_text=”Hide”]to an inability to remember the characters of a story that’s just been read aloud. Consistent difficulty understanding letter sounds or how sounds go together to form words, overall difficulty with reading. These can be signs of auditory attention or auditory processing problems. Through specific programs auditory memory and listening skills are strengthened, building the necessary foundation to successful learning.[/showhide]

Brain Training Games

Brain games are a key part of the program…

[showhide type=”box5″ more_text=”Read More” less_text=”Hide”]Specific games are chosen that work on visual processing, auditory perception, skill building, attention to detail, fine motor coordination and logic. Not only do games engage the entire brain, but they develop confidence in being challenged and completion of tasks. Not to mention they are lots of fun.[/showhide]

Functional Vision Training

Eighty percent of the information we receive from our environment is visual…
[showhide type=”links” more_text=”Read More” less_text=”Hide”]When perception of this information is not processed correctly, it can create an altered state that influences many areas: eye-hand coordination, postural reflexes, vestibular processing, tracking, and reading. Specific programs developed to improve visual memory, visual closure, form consistency, visual discrimination and visual figure-ground are incorporated to support these areas.[/showhide]

Neurosensori-Motor Integration

The vestibular system and the brain-body connection directly impact your ability to receive… [showhide type=”box3″ more_text=”Read More” less_text=”Hide”]Through an array of balance based activities overall learning is strengthened and increased. A rhythmic program that works on neuro-integration engaging balance, auditory and visual skills, is also incorporated. Through specific exercises visuomotor integration is developed. Enhancing the key components of tracking and listening are the underlying building blocks to successful reading.[/showhide]

Neurocognitive Training

The neuro-cognitive training program uses neuro technology brain exercises to stimulate and raise your
[showhide type=”box75″ more_text=”Read More” less_text=”Hide”]child’s/teen’s brain wave activity by working on two levels of the brain. On the cognitive level your child/teen develops and strengthens attention, concentration, working memory, executive skills function, visual and auditory perception, and more. On the neurological level the brain wave activity is stimulated for more blood flow to the pre-frontal cortex to improve attention and concentration.[/showhide]


Often children experience gaps in learning…
[showhide type=”box6″ more_text=”Read More” less_text=”Hide”]An individualized academic program addresses these gaps enabling academic growth. A variety of programs are used to meet the specific need(s), insuring the child is met at their current level. Reading growth fosters confidence and desire; the key components to being a strong reader.[/showhide]


The writing program starts with building desire to write…
[showhide type=”box4″ more_text=”Read More” less_text=”Hide”]A combination of strategies allow the child to find his/her writing voice. Once they have found their voice in written expression, the editing process can begin.[/showhide]